We have many options for meeting your child’s learning needs at all levels. Please talk with your child’s teacher or school counselor about the most appropriate resources for your child. Many of these programs are overseen by our district's Student Services department. You can learn more about our programs by following the links below.
Helps students who need specially designed instruction and/or services to achieve success in school. To learn more, visit the district's Special Services page.
Special Education Referral
To refer your child for special education services, please contact your child’s school psychologist and complete the Special Education referral form (PDF).
When we receive a referral, we may decide that your child needs an evaluation. In an evaluation, a team with members from many specialties will assess your child. They will identify your child’s needs and recommend services and programs.
Learning Assistance Program (LAP) offers supplemental services in English language arts (ELA) and mathematics. These services focus on accelerating student growth to make progress towards grade level. For good ideas on reading strategies and activities for kids visit our LAP Reading website.
Helps learners who perform or show potential for performing at significantly advanced academic levels when compared with others of their age, experiences and environment. Some places refer to these as “gifted” services. To learn more, visit the district's Highly Capable section.
Students can broaden learning and review skills through a variety of programs, from career and technical education classes to summer camps and support and credit recovery classes. Learn more on the district's
Summer Programs page.
Students in our district who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime home may qualify for extra help. We work with families to help students stay in school and access stable services. Learn more on the district's Services for Homeless Students page.
Helps students learn English language skills, as well as support academic learning in the regular classroom. To learn more, visit the district's Multilingual Education Program page.
Provides programs for students of Native American descent. Find out more on the district's Native American Education page.